Elite Technical Training
With Mitch Jackson

Our Elite Tech Training Course begins online with Mitch Jackson for 6 weeks from Feb 22nd to April 4th 2021.
This program is by invitation or application only.
Dancers will train weekly in jazz and lyrical tech working primarily on flexibility, strength and alignment applying this specifically to a variety of turns, leaps, leg holds and kicks and variations. Dancers in our advanced course will also focus on lyrical and contemporary movement quality, and their ability to seamlessly connect intricate dance sequences with explosive and powerful skills.
Please note: This course can only be taken in addition to your regular class program.
Junior, Inter and Senior: Ages 7-12 - Please see River Bourne Club Timetable
Advanced: Ages 13-18 - Please see ACS International Timetable
To apply and audition please email thecompany@monarchstudios.co.uk